Saturday, November 15, 2008

Weird Dream

It has been really weird for me last night as I've never thought that I can dream of someone whom I've never met before in real life but only from pictures. After knowing him and get in touch with him, I've been having weird dreams which involves him. First dream happened last week (can't remember the exact date) and I deny it because I thought I was thinking too much. I dreamt that I was back in Malaysia and I was out clubbing with all my Sunway friends inclusive of my current ex, Sly, Faireen & him (he's an outsider and not Sunwayian). When everything has ended, as usual I was drunk. Couldn't drive home so he drove me but not to my house as he doesn't know where I stay. It was his place but he gave his room to me and he was sleeping another room. That was is and I got up in the morning for class. My main question to this dream was not why I can dream of him but since my ex, Sly & Faireen is there with me too, why they didn't volunteer to drive me back or something? Why let an unknown person driving me not to my home but to his place? I find it unbelievable and impossible to happen. So I choose to ignore it. However, the second dream about him came last night (or I should say early this morning) where it is kind of blur because I ahve no idea where that place is. Very blur scene. But I know he is there next to me and we are actually enjoying ourselves. Lots of laughter, lots of catching and messing around. It was just a 10 minutes dream cause I had to wake up for my class. And because of this dream, I was about to be late for class. I wanted to tell him but I was afraid that he'll thinks that I'm into him or something. I hinted him and he too said that a couple of days ago he had with me. I find it very weird for both of us have not even met before can dream of each other just like that. One time is understandable, but mine is twice. I'm not sure if he's telling the truth, but he sounded like it. I'm not sure if there will be another dream which relates to him or not next week or in the coming future before I get back to really meet up with him. Ha??? Scary la.. Dreaming of someone you have not met before.. Anyone tried that before?

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