Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Come to realize

What do I believe in? Very good question. Trust? Honesty? Sincerity? I think the most important is to believe in yourself. This world is too huge. Too many people. So many things happening and yet you can only choose to accept one. It's difficult being on the fance. However, after what I've gone through, I've come to the sense that family and friends is my answer. Family especially parents will always be there no matter what happens. No matter how low you've dropped, they will support and guide you back. In simple, they are the main motivator. I cannot agree more than I have been blessed with a good family with a simple life style. I cannot thank the God much for giving me to such mother who nags for the good of her children and never gives up, and a very understanding father and husband. Cannot deny the fact that my mom has the luck. Will I have one myself too? Anyway, the other believe is friends. I mean by true friends. Not those who are there when you have the fame and drags you to the drain when you're in shit. I would also want to thank God for the friends I have around me now (except for back stabbers). Those like my Gangz whom I knew since beginning in secondary school, my friends all around the world from AFS, friends from college & Sunway Hotel (inclusive of AM & managers of different departments), and not to forget my friends in my BBA course too have been giving me lots of support. When I come to flash back, how can I not see all these in the past month? Just because of a person, I want to stop my life? I banned my fun time? FUCK!! NO!!! What for? I should learn to accept changes because things and people around us changes from day-to-day and time-to-time. I've finally give up on being so stuborn. I should let go. If thing is mine, it'll come back in the future. If it doesn't comes back, it has never been mine since the start. Which means it will come to an end sooner or later. So, why not sooner rather than suffering even worst later? Emotion hitted me again this week. Was still as bad as ever. But I've stonned my heart on it. I will continue freezing it from now on. Anyhow, really thank Jesson (unknown friend of mine). He has been here for me all the time talking with him during his work (over night), and on sms too when he's free. If I txt him and there's no reply, that can be either he's sleeping, or he's too busy at work. He has been very nice with me since beginning even though I don't know him. Will open up myself to know more people so that I can really see is 'HE' still the right one or there is someone else out there who's worth having me better than 'HIM'. No doubt the love I have for 'HIM' will fade. But if it is NOT mine, I will force myself in doing whatever it takes to forget about 'HIM'.

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