Thursday, October 30, 2008

My memory...

Knowing you was an accident. I didn't know how love is till I knew you. You've showed me what life is. What love is all about. How all these are to be faced when they are in front. I thank God for giving me the opportunity of learning and thank him for sending you to me and was once part of my life. Most treasured moment in my life..

It all happen a couple of weeks I've got played and dumpped by your best friend. I was mad, I was angry. Wrote all in my blog. Didn't know how you came across my blog and left me a note on it. That was when we started to know each other. We communicated via leaving message in Friendster comment. I knew nothing about you but was communicating with you as if I knew you forever. Later on to found out you were just working in the next building and is a cousin of one of my colleague working in the same building with me. I remember before giving you my number, we met during Birthday Bash but we just noded and did not talk cause I was in relationship with somebody that time. Leaving comments on Friendster that was how we communicate till we have each other number then we stopped communicating on Friendster but on sms. That was the time we both had the same shit, over night. First day of your over night after your leave, you came over to the cafeteria. Although we've said to have supper together and I were to call you when I have my break, we did turn out to eat in the same cafeteria but didn't manage to sit together because I was with somebody. A couple of times happened the same thing.

(got to go out later, so want to sleep awhile now. To be continue some other day... Sorry...)

All done!!!

Wooohooo...... Module 1 Final is over at last!!! YES!!! So happy.. Was cramping everything into my poor head this morning and afternoon. OMG!!! Got to remember about framework/paradigm, the importance of it and why is it a useful toold for marketers. Then got to explain why we have to learn about the marketing fundamentals before knwoing what International Marketing is all about.. Then have to study about Factual & Interpretive Knowledge and also how to reduce Political Risk. On top of that, I've to cramp in what I've presented yesterday during my Marketing presentation. Need to remember the 3 levels of Market Entry using example of the stupid Blair Water case study which is 10 pages long. Lastly is the challenges that companies will face with the 4Ps in International Marketing. Oh Shit!!! Wrote whatever I've crampped into my poor little brain and vomite it all out during exam and came out feeling so good.. It's like finally I can rest. But NO.... Another relax but needed to stay up night. Haha.. Party TIME!!!! Going to Mayfair for a drink with Charlie and some other people, then to be continue in don't know which club with Jenny. Haha.. Hopefully I can survive tonight.. Will need to enjoy myself to the max tonight. It's been long since I've been keeping everything to myself.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

One paper to go

Aaarrrggghhhh!!! My stupid Marketing report got only 60%!!!! How can this be? Palui betul!!! I don't get why we didn't get any marks for our possible solution... Just done my Marketing presentation. Phew... Thank God it turn out well. Palui punya lecturer.. Want to argue with me on HALAL thing? Doesn't he know I'm from M'sia? Haha.. If he argue with me on Political, Economical, Technological & Legal Environment of M'sia, I can keep quiet and not say anything. Excuse me!!!! Socio-Culture & Environment??? Not to say I'm expert in it or what, but I manage to argue with facts till I win. Haha.. But my Marketing Individual Research paper I only score 73% le!!! Not fair!!! Haiz.. Don't care la.. As long as I get 65% above I don't give a shit about it. But this morning's Organizational Behavior paper's killing me. Studies but nothing comes out when I was in the examination room!!! SHIT!!! Don't know what rubbish I crap in it.. Haha.. Hopefully Mr Daly will be able to understand and accept it. Pass will do. Nothing much expected from it..

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

1 down, 2 to go

Aaarrrggghhh!!!!!!! 2 more papers plus a presentation to go... I can't wait for this Thursday to end. I want to sleep!!! I want to start writting my purpose of creating this blog.. Erm.. Actually not reason also. Just for the fun of it. Feels bored or want to write something, this is where I write where not many of the people I know will be able to know that I have a blog here. Haha.. Not to say want to hide or something. But is just that sometimes when I want to write something on, I have to hide most of my feelings because of a person. A person that I love the most and do not want to hurt the most.

Anyway, yea.. Finance & Statistics is over. Tomorrow is OB in the morning and then Marketing presentation in the afternoon. OMG!!! How am I going to do 2 together? SHIT!!! I'm starting to freak out as they were saying that OB have lots of readings to do. Do you think I'll be doing lots of reading especially I'm half dead? Haha.. I'll seriously need a 1 whole day rest this weekend. Need to find hotel for my mom in Jan, then got to settle my things for the new module, then still have to get information from my cousin about my flight to UK in Dec. YEA!!!! I can't wait!!! Somewhere new.. Somewhere I've not been before.. Yea.. I guess that's all.. Friend just called and rush me for dinner.. Hee.. Ciao...

Monday, October 27, 2008

It's finally done!!!

YES!!!!! I'm so happy!!! I've finally get Arts report out of the way!!! But still I'm scared that I'm doing it wrong. Aiya.. Don't care.. Done and hand it in already. So now don't think about it. I should be thinking about my next exam which is Stats. Haiz.. Calculation again!!! Sick.. It's been 2 nights revising for numberings!!! After this, no more numbering till next module I guess. Organizational Behavior and Marketing doesn't touch numberings. Haha.. Thank God.. But today's Financial exam, I've got freaked out when I saw the first question. Haha.. Cost me 20% for that one question. OMG!!! I know a bit don't know a bit. I know the final answer is wrong. But don't care. As long as I fill in those info I know into it, then should get a few marks in there, I hope.. Aaarrrggghhhh..... Going crazy!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Thanks for making my day!!!

So many things to do, so many things to say, but yet so little time for it. Does that mean that I have poor time management? First thing of all, let's start off with last night then slowly going back into my past which I have so many memorable stories I would like to share. Cinderella kind of story. Sound so fairytale but yet I..Anyway, that part I'll leave on for later. Right..

Last night I was busy rushing my arts assignment when all of a sudden I received an offline message from a Sarawakian friend of mine who use to work in Sunway. Very nice guy, very fun to be with kind of guy. SLY!!! Yea.. Too bad I was late in replying him as he has went offline. So I left him message on his Facebook wall. How happy am I the moment I saw him came back online and we chatted on Facebook. Cannot believe I chat using Malay. Haha.. Not bad.. Means my Malay still not yet rotten. Anyway, he asked for my Swiss num and he called me. I thought he was using hotel's number to call me. But instead, he used his hp. OMG!!! So expensive.. He's so nice.. We talked so many things. But funny thing is he doesn't know about 'our' story. He was surprise to hear and asked me why. I told him what I know and what 'he' told me. So Sly say he'll ask 'him' tomorrow, as in today during Melati's open house. Didn't manage to talk long cause he was working that time. But using phone in the counter. Haha.. Bad in working sense, but good in friendship wise. So, here you go... Again, thing happens for a reason.

"Thank you so much, Sly!!! You made my day last night.. Really feels like back home.. Will definitely remember your oleh2.. Haha.. It's good too talking with you about my life and problems here.. Huff.. Sad but what to do? This is life. Get out of it and get going with it."

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Facts about life

So many roads in front of us, yet we can only choose one. Can't turn back once we have walked down that path. We'll always be wondering, "what if we didn't choose this but instead went for the other path? How would that be? Will it be the same as now?" How many tomorrows will there be for us to have? Can we get what we wish? What is this so called faith that God has created? Life is all about questioning nowadays. Unlike 20-30 years ago where we just do what is being told. Things around us changes. As time goes, it changes to. Not only things and environments, but people also the same. Everyone of us is changing everyday. Depending on that person is changing to good or bad. Depends also on their environment. Honest speaking I have changed myself when I met this special someone. I've come to realize what life is all about, how to see people around you and also being rational or I should say use my brain to think before concluding with any actions or decisions. Can say because of him, my thinking changed. Being where I am now at this moment, I've gained and learnt a lot. Other than knowledge which is a must for me, think logically and understand better on what I want and who I am is the most important thing I've learnt here. I now believe that what goes around comes around. I've also learnt the saying of "What is not yours, even if you force, it will not be yours. If it is yours, no matter how far it goes, it will come back to you when it is the right time". In short, God has arranged our faith. We can never go against his will nor can we change it when it's not meant to be. Everything happens for a reason and I believe failure is the only way where you can learn from your mistakes. Dare to fail will be the key to success. Believe in yourself, people will automatically believe in you. It's the same as if you care for people, people will care for you. Life is always contra. Sacrifices plays a big role too in our daily life as we need to make lots of taugh decisions. We can never get things that we want easily. Must have a little sacrifices in it in order to achieve it. Don't you think so?