Saturday, October 25, 2008

Facts about life

So many roads in front of us, yet we can only choose one. Can't turn back once we have walked down that path. We'll always be wondering, "what if we didn't choose this but instead went for the other path? How would that be? Will it be the same as now?" How many tomorrows will there be for us to have? Can we get what we wish? What is this so called faith that God has created? Life is all about questioning nowadays. Unlike 20-30 years ago where we just do what is being told. Things around us changes. As time goes, it changes to. Not only things and environments, but people also the same. Everyone of us is changing everyday. Depending on that person is changing to good or bad. Depends also on their environment. Honest speaking I have changed myself when I met this special someone. I've come to realize what life is all about, how to see people around you and also being rational or I should say use my brain to think before concluding with any actions or decisions. Can say because of him, my thinking changed. Being where I am now at this moment, I've gained and learnt a lot. Other than knowledge which is a must for me, think logically and understand better on what I want and who I am is the most important thing I've learnt here. I now believe that what goes around comes around. I've also learnt the saying of "What is not yours, even if you force, it will not be yours. If it is yours, no matter how far it goes, it will come back to you when it is the right time". In short, God has arranged our faith. We can never go against his will nor can we change it when it's not meant to be. Everything happens for a reason and I believe failure is the only way where you can learn from your mistakes. Dare to fail will be the key to success. Believe in yourself, people will automatically believe in you. It's the same as if you care for people, people will care for you. Life is always contra. Sacrifices plays a big role too in our daily life as we need to make lots of taugh decisions. We can never get things that we want easily. Must have a little sacrifices in it in order to achieve it. Don't you think so?

1 comment:

  1. woi, ur blogspot add so hard to memorize, change it la, hahahaahhaahhaah

    not say u dun wnt register at blogpost de meh? lol
