Wednesday, October 29, 2008

One paper to go

Aaarrrggghhhh!!! My stupid Marketing report got only 60%!!!! How can this be? Palui betul!!! I don't get why we didn't get any marks for our possible solution... Just done my Marketing presentation. Phew... Thank God it turn out well. Palui punya lecturer.. Want to argue with me on HALAL thing? Doesn't he know I'm from M'sia? Haha.. If he argue with me on Political, Economical, Technological & Legal Environment of M'sia, I can keep quiet and not say anything. Excuse me!!!! Socio-Culture & Environment??? Not to say I'm expert in it or what, but I manage to argue with facts till I win. Haha.. But my Marketing Individual Research paper I only score 73% le!!! Not fair!!! Haiz.. Don't care la.. As long as I get 65% above I don't give a shit about it. But this morning's Organizational Behavior paper's killing me. Studies but nothing comes out when I was in the examination room!!! SHIT!!! Don't know what rubbish I crap in it.. Haha.. Hopefully Mr Daly will be able to understand and accept it. Pass will do. Nothing much expected from it..

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